Hivsmittede bøsser må ikke få børn i EU. På grund af en detalje i EUs vævsdirektiv kan hivsmittede bøsser ikke få børn ved brug af deres egne kønsceller. Hivsmittede heteroseksuelle mænd kan derimod godt. Nu skal direktivet revideres, så vi råber vagt i gevær: Fjern denne åbenlyse diskrimination af bøsser fra fremtidens direktiv.
Situationen er kafkask: En hivsmittet mand kan uproblematisk blive far til et barn, nemlig ved brug af såkaldt sædvask, som er en simpel centrifugeringsproces. Den proces er dog kun tilgængelig ved homolog behandling, det vil sige når en kvinde befrugtes med sin partners sæd. Og her er problemet, for direktivet siger, at for at det kan betragtes som homolog behandling skal manden og kvinden erklære, at de har et intimt fysisk forhold. Det er almindeligt, at en bøsse og en kvinde, der af gode grunde ikke er et par, ønsker at få et barn med hinanden, et barn, som de skal være fælles om – altså to mennesker, der ønsker at stifte en familie sammen. Men direktivet siger, at hvis ikke de har sex med hinanden, så er manden at betragte som sæddonor, og sådan en må ikke være hivpositiv.
Det skal selvfølgelig laves om, når der laves et nyt direktiv. I en høring, der lige har været, har vi derfor benyttet lejligheden til at gøre opmærksom på problemet:
The LGBT committee wants to draw attention to the discrimination instituted by the directive in regard to reproduction. Article 1, Litra b, states “‘Partner donation’ means the donation of reproductive cells between a man and a woman who declare that they have an intimate physical relationship.” This effectively prohibits hiv positive gay men to father a child in the EU.
In brief:
- A heterologous sperm donor must test HIV-negative.
- A man and a woman have access to MAR with their own gametes if they declare to be in an intimate physical relationship.
- Danish authorities have issued rules specifically stating, that a gay man can be known sperm donor. According to these rules he must test HIV-negative, as he is considered heterologous sperm donor.
- A heterosexual couple where the man is HIV-positive has access to sperm washing. Thus this is not considered conflicting with the Tissues and Cells Directive, notably the intimacy requirement.
- An HIV-negative gay man and a woman have access to MAR with their own gametes: he is considered heterologous donor even though both are to be legal and social parents to the child.
- An HIV-positive gay man and a woman do not have access to MAR with their own gametes (as they are not in an intimate physical relationship)
Thus, to be compliant with the directive gay men are denied access to sperm washing and consequently cannot have a child with own gametes. Simple sperm washing suffices for safe use but is denied if no declaration of intimate physical relationship with the mother.
Supporting document contains complete dialogue with Danish authorities and DG SANTE in English translation [I had this dialogue while with LGBT Denmark, now I’m in the LGBT committee]. Analysis can be found i my 2nd letter to the Health and Medicines Authority (p. 9) and my letter to DG SANTE (p. 19). The document is available here:
[…] Hivsmittede bøsser må ikke få børn […]